“With God all things are possible”
(Matthew 19:26)
Welcome to Our Lady Immaculate
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you and your child to Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Primary School, part of the Catholic Multi-Academy Rosary Trust.
Choosing your child’s school is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. The purpose of this website is to inform you about our mission, vision, values and ethos, curriculum standards and provision, including the wide range and high-quality opportunities available to every child at Our Lady Immaculate. Should you entrust your child into our care, we would feel privileged to share a small, but important stage of their life and faith journey with you. Our Lady Immaculate is a wonderful school where each and every member of our community is encouraged daily to place Christ at the centre, responding to His call to be the best that we can be in every aspect of our faith, life and education. We are a community that treasures all that enter, whether they be pupil, parent, staff or simply a friend.
The school is an integral part of the linked Parishes of Our Lady Immaculate and Holy Name. Indeed, Fr Martin as Parish Priest, together with Fr Damien and Fr Paschal are regular visitors and invite the school for masses and other celebrations in the Church.
Our dedicated and skilled staff, governing body and parish family, strive to enable all members of Our Lady Immaculate School to grow personally, academically, socially and spiritually, with God at the centre of all that we think, do and say. We will achieve this by continuing to nurture the relationship between home and school and by celebrating the distinctive role that the parish plays in the life of our school. It is this togetherness, supported by the commitment and skill of our wonderful staff team that truly sets us apart from other schools.
We take great pride in our shared Mission to: ‘inspire our children to achieve personal excellence for themselves and for the glory of God’, realised through the Catholic Virtues of:
Faith, Hope, Love, Justice, Solidarity, Temperance, Courage and Practical Wisdom
I hope that our website will provide answers to any questions you may have, but if you require further information please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We welcome visitors and are very happy to meet with you, show you around our lovely school and answer any questions you may have.
God bless you and your families.
Mrs Lesley Roche MA NPQH